Beer, the most consumed and oldest alcoholic drink in the world

Date added 2023-04-04
Canapea Beer City
Views 6220

Beer is considered the third most popular drink in the world after water and tea.

Beer is made from grain by starch fermentation. Mostly barley malt is used, but wheat, corn and rice are also widely used. Typically, beer is flavored with hops, which add bitterness and act as a natural preservative, although other flavors such as herbs and fruits can sometimes be used.

Beer is considered the third most popular drink in the world after water and tea. Beer is made from grain by starch fermentation. Mostly barley malt is used, but wheat, corn and rice are also widely used. Typically, beer is flavored with hops, which add bitterness and act as a natural preservative, although other flavors such as herbs and fruits can sometimes be used.

Archaeologists suggest that beer contributed to the formation of civilizations. About 5,000 years ago, urban workers in Iraq were paid in beer. During the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, each worker received four to five liters of beer daily, which served as both food and refreshment. The latter was important for the pyramid.

Despite the fact that beer is mentioned in many historical works, there is still no clear data on the composition and preparation of ancient beer. But in 2011, the remains of a ship were found in Finland, and an old beer bottle full of drinking alcohol was found in its chamber.

All over the world, the height of a beer foam speaks volumes about its quality. Foam comes from carbon dioxide. Its absence is a sign that the drink is long overdue and has lost its taste. For beer lovers, "Brussels Lace" is inimitable - an ideal foam that does not sink and "draws" beautiful lace on its walls after the drink is finished drinking in the middle of the glass.

Beer fights cancer

Hops, which give flavor and aroma to beer, are an excellent cancer-fighting agent. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, beer is the best source of antioxidants; By the way, red wine, green tea and soy are also rich in antioxidants. This property is due to the substance xanthohumol, which is present only in hops.

Beer is good for bones

Beer contains a very useful ingredient. moderate consumption of beer can make up for the lack of silicon in the body, which, of course, has a positive effect on the bones, because silicon is very important for bone health.

Light hurts beer

the isohumulones present in beer are very sensitive to light, and with prolonged exposure to light, the isohumulones are converted into thiols, which have a very unpleasant odor. It is for this reason that beer is bottled in dark containers.

The alcohol content in beer is 4-6 percent by volume, but can range from 0.5-20 percent, some factories produce beer with a strength of 40 percent or more.

Views 2023-06-23
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