How does physical pain affect beer consumption?

Date added 2023-05-05
Canapea Beer City
Views 6136

Scientists have asked a strange question: how will the nature of beer consumption change if a person feels pain at this time?

Early studies have shown that alcohol consumption increases the pain threshold and reduces the intensity of pain. The goal in this study was to determine whether pain affects not only the motivation to drink, but also how people consume alcohol.

The participants of the experiments were 20 adults, they had to drink beer or cider. During the session, a device was attached to their arm that could create local pain with a pulse of varying intensity.

The results showed that men drank significantly faster when the intensity of pain increased.

Surprisingly, this was not observed in women.

Surprisingly, the experimental conditions did not change the behavior of women in relation to alcohol consumption. It was also found that the effect of a painful heat state is stronger "in people with a higher level of negative urgency, but the opposite effect (was found) to catastrophize pain," the researchers noted.

"The most important finding of this study is that pain can not only increase motivation to drink alcohol, but also increase the intensity of alcohol consumption,"- Boissonneau PsyPost noted.

This is especially obvious for men. Drinking alcoholic beverages can ease the pain at this point, but over time can also increase the pain.

It can be said that the study showed a link between alcohol consumption and pain, but in people suffering from severe and prolonged pain, the results will definitely differ from the results of this trial.

It is also necessary to develop treatments or measures that will help break the link between pain and alcohol use in order to reduce both chronic pain and the risk of alcohol-related disorders.

Views 2023-06-23
Views 6580

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